
Using the Merge Tools in RootsMagic

Using the Merge Tools in RootsMagic

The following Instructions include:

A. Using The Automatic Merges Tool

B. Using The Duplicate Search Merge Tool

If you have duplicates in your RootsMagic database using the Auto Merge and Duplicate Search Merge Tools will resolve any duplicate issues you have in your database.

A. Using The Automatic Merges Tool In RootsMagic

Note: the Automatic Merges tool in your RootsMagic program has a safety net built into the tool that will only merge two individuals who have the same information between both records.  After running the Automatic Merges tool we recommend that you use the Duplicate Search Merge tool to merge the remaining “possible” duplicates with or slightly different information between each record.

  1. Click on the Tool’s menu at the top of your RootsMagic screen.
  2. In the drop down menu select Merge > Auto Merge.
  3. When you get into the Automatic Merges settings screen leave the check marks in the boxes for the SmartMerge, ShareMerge, SourceMerge, and RepositoryMerge.
  4. Click on the Begin Merge button at the bottom of the screen.

B. Using the Duplicate Search Merge Tool In RootsMagic

  1. Click on the Tools Menu at the top of your RootsMagic screen.
  2. In the drop down menu select Merge >Duplicate Search Merge.
  3. When you get into the Duplicate Search settings screen you can either leave it set to the default settings, or you can adjust the default settings.
  4. Then click on the “Search For Duplicates” button at the bottom of the screen.


  1. This will open the Merge Duplicate Records screen.


  1. In the Merge Duplicate Records screen you will see a list of all the “Possible” duplicates in your RootsMagic database at the top of the screen. When you click on the set of names it will show a side by side comparison of the information between the primary and duplicate records.
  2. The information is color coded as follows:
    • Green – Exact match
    • Yellow – Close match, but slightly different
    • Red- Not a Match. Information is completely different
  3. The color coding will help you determine if both records are a match, or not a match. If the record looks to be a match you can click on the “Merge Duplicate into Primary” button at the bottom of the screen. This will merge the duplicate record into the primary record.
  4. If both records are not a match click on the “Not A Match” button at the bottom of the screen. This will move you to the next possible duplicate in your list.

Note: when you merge a duplicate record into a primary record all information from both records are retained. We recommend going into the “Edit Person” screen after the merge has been completed to remove the duplicated facts you no longer need.


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