
Printing a large Wall Chart (RM4-7)

(RootsMagic 7 or earlier versions)

These directions will help you "print" your wall chart to a PDF file. Which then can be printed on a large roll printer or taken to a local print shop. 

Windows Users:

1.     Set up default printer

        a.   Click on “Start button” and select “Devices and Printers”.

(Windows 10: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers)

        b.   Right click on the printer you want—i.e.  “CutePDF Writer”

        c.   Select  “Set as Default Printer”

        d.   Select  “Printer Properties”,  select “Preferences” and then select “Advanced”

               i.   Change “Paper Size” to “PostScript Custom Page size” or some other size that your printer will handle.

               ii.   “Edit Custom page Size” so that it will be a little larger than the page to be printed.

               iii.    Click OK, OK, OK, OK

2.   Launch “RootsMagic”

        a.   Load RM data file and select person you want the chart to start with.

        b.   Go to Reports and click on “Charts” and then “Wall Chart”.

        c.   Select the type of chart you want

        d.   Change any of the other information so desired and add a “title”. e.    Click on “Generate Report”

        f.   Click on “File” and select “Chart Properties” and confirm that the paper size you

selected in 1.d.ii is correct.  If not go back to # 1 and re-set the size to the correct value..

3.   Print the Wall Chart

        a.   Go to “File” and select Page Set-up”.

               i.   Confirm that the “Size” is set to “PostScript Custom page Size”

               ii.   Click “OK”

        b.   Click “Print preview” and confirm that the chart looks like you want it.  If not go back and make changes.

        c.   Click the “Print” Button. d.   Click OK

        e.   Select the location that you want the file to be stored if printing a PDF file and then give it a name.  If not a PDF printer then the page should print on the printer that you have selected as the default printer.

        f.   Click “Save”

You can now take this PDF file to a local printer shop and get it printer on a Large Roll Printer.  If you have a printer that can print large sheets or you have a roll printer you can also use the above process to print a large chart.


Mac Users:

Crossover has provided directions for "Printing Documents from applications within Crossover"

Go to:

If you receive an error message that the PDF file is corrupted, while running El Capitan with PDF Writer installed, see section "Getting zero (empty) size PDFs?  



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