
Mac Update still shows version

The Mac download *IS* 7.0.7, so if you are getting 7.0.6 you aren't getting the latest download. As soon as you install the Mac version, the Mac version number will be 7.01 (that's the version of the Crossover part of it), and the RM version (Help > About from the RM menu) will be 7.0.7.

If you are following the instructions and still not getting the latest version immediately upon downloading, your system probably has the old version cached in some way, or when you downloaded you ended up installing the old .dmg. When you downloaded the original .dmg the first time you installed RM, if you didn't delete the .dmg after you installed the program, you will end up with 2 .dmg files after you download this new one (this new one probably was called something like RootsMagic-7-Mac(1).dmg.  If you then ran the old original RootsMagic-7-Mac.dmg you wouldn't have installed the new version.


- Make sure you have a backup of any RM data files
- Delete any and all RootsMagic .dmg files from your computer
- Drag and drop the RM application icon to your trashbin
- In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder
- Type ~/Library/Application Support
- Drag the folder labeled "RootsMagic" to the trashbin
That will completely uninstall RM7 *and* the Crossover stuff as well.

Now click to download the new version.  Then double click that file and drag the application to the application folder.


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