
Converting from The Master Genealogist (TMG) to RootsMagic

RootsMagic will now directly import The Master Genealogist (TMG) database.

Direct TMG import is much more complicated than other imports because of vastly different data models and because it tries to preserve source and sentence templates. Often doing cleanup in TMG before importing into RootsMagic will provide better results, as will some cleanup in RootsMagic after import.

We have created a document with ideas and information to get the best results when importing from TMG. The document is available at:


To direct import your data into RootsMagic or higher:

1. After installing RootsMagic, open your RootsMagic program

2. Create a new database by selecting “File, New” from the main menu. Enter the name you want to call your database. Select the option "Import information from another program", then click “OK”.

3. Select the "TMG (The Master Genealogist) option. Then select either "Search for files" or "I know where the file is" to locate your TMG database.

4. Select the TMG file, then click the “Open” (or “OK”) button.

5. A pop-up will appear, giving you the option to download the document mentioned previously. If you have already done the steps to prepare the database you can click the button "Continue with import".


The directions below apply when converting a TMG database into RootsMagic 4 or 5.

To export your data from TMG:

1. Open your TMG program and open the file you want to transfer

2. Do “File, Export” from the main menu. Click Next.

3. Change the export file type to Gedcom (*.ged)

4. Type a filename where it asks for Export file name.

5. Click the Locate button and choose MyDocuments as the place to save your GEDCOM file. Click Next. Click Next.

6. A dialog will appear for you to select the export options. Set Version to GEDCOM 5.5, Character set to ANSEL. Click Next.

7. Set Tag types to All, Names to All Variations, Events to All Variations. Click Next. Click Next. Click Finish.

8. Repeat steps 2 – 5 for each database if you have more than one.


To import your data into RootsMagic:

1. After installing RootsMagic, open your RootsMagic program

2. Create a new database by selecting “File, New” from the main menu. Enter the name you want to call your database, then click “Save” (or “OK”). An option dialog will appear. Choose the options you want and then click “OK”.

3. Import the GEDCOM file you created above into the new blank database. Do “File, Import GEDCOM” from the main menu.

4. Select the GEDCOM file you created above, then click the “Open” (or “OK”) button.

5. An import option dialog will appear. Choose the settings you want, although you will probably just want to use the default settings. Click the “Begin import” button to import the GEDCOM file.


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