RootsMagic 4:
When you are creating the Shareable CD the program will tell you the path in which it was saved. The path will be based on which version of Windows you are running.
Windows XP example: C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\RootsMagic\ShareableCD\
Windows Vista example: C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\RootsMagic\ShareableCD\
If you following the path on your computer and the AppData or Application Datafiles are not there, your computer is set to not show hidden files. Go to Windows Help and search for hidden files. Follow the directions on the help page to turn hidden files on.
RootsMagic 5:
When you are creating the Shareable CD the program will tell you the path in which it was saved. By Default RootsMagic 5 will create a folder called "RMShareableCD" beneath the same folder as the data file (.rmgc) that created it was stored. The files will no longer be hidden.