
Add RootsMagic to the Windows 10 Firewall Exception List

1. On your main desktop screen click into your "Type Here To Search" field on your task menu bar at the bottom left side of your task menu bar.

2. Then type "Allow An App Through Windows Firewall."

3. When you see the option that says "Allow an App Through The Firewall" click on it. 

4. This should take you to a screen that looks like the screenshot below.  

5. On this screen scroll down to find RootsMagic in the list.  

6. You will need to put a checkmark into the box on the left side of RootsMagic.  To do this click on the "Change Settings" button at the top of the same screen.  This should allow you to add the checkmark for RootsMagic.  

7. When finished you will need to click on the Save button to save your changes.  

8. Most important you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect when finished.  




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