
Complete Uninstall of RootsMagic on the Mac

If the Crossover wrapper around the 'RootsMagic for Mac' program needs to be updated, a complete uninstall of the program is needed.

  1. Make sure you have a backup of any RootsMagic data files
  2. Delete any and all RootsMagic .dmg files from your computer
  3. Drag and drop the RootsMagic application icon to your trash bin
  4. In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder
  5. Type ~/Library/Application Support
  6. Drag the folder labeled "RootsMagic" to the trash bin
  7. Go to ~/Library/Preferences and delete the file called com.rootsmagic.rootsmagic.plist
  8. Drag and drop the RootsMagic 7 shortcut icon on the Dock to your trash bin
  9. Download and install the latest version of RootsMagic -


This will completely uninstall RootsMagic for Mac "and" the Crossover programming as well.


RootsMagicTV video: How to completely uninstall and reinstall RootsMagic on a Mac




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