If the Crossover wrapper around the 'RootsMagic for Mac' program needs to be updated, a complete uninstall of the program is needed.
- Make sure you have a backup of any RootsMagic data files
- Delete any and all RootsMagic .dmg files from your computer
- Drag and drop the RootsMagic application icon to your trash bin
- In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder
- Type ~/Library/Application Support
- Drag the folder labeled "RootsMagic" to the trash bin
- Go to ~/Library/Preferences and delete the file called com.rootsmagic.rootsmagic.plist
- Drag and drop the RootsMagic 7 shortcut icon on the Dock to your trash bin
- Download and install the latest version of RootsMagic - http://rootsmagic.com/download/RootsMagic-7/
This will completely uninstall RootsMagic for Mac "and" the Crossover programming as well.
RootsMagicTV video: How to completely uninstall and reinstall RootsMagic on a Mac