- Open RootsMagic 8 or higher. If RootsMagic is currently open close completely out of RootsMagic and open it again.
- On the “Welcome to RootsMagic” screen select Unlock Full Registered Version.
3. In the Unlock RootsMagic screen enter your name and registration key. The key is cases sensitive. It must be entered with all uppercase letters, and you must include the dashes. There cannot be any spacing in the sequence of the key.
4. Once the key has been entered you will see the “Unlock” button highlight. Click on the unlock button.
Note –If you do not have your RootsMagic registration key you can request it from the following link to be sent to your email address:
Please be sure to use the email address that you used when purchasing the software.
Or you can call our sales department to have the key emailed to you. 801-489-3102 ex 1. Our hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM to 5 PM. We are on Mountain Time.
5. Once you click on the unlock button you will be taken to the RootsMagic Registration screen.
a. Select Register Online to register your software.
b. If you do not have an internet connection, you can select the option to register by phone.
c. If you have previously registered your software select Register Later.
6. Then click on the Ok button.
7. Once you are finished registering you will have the full version of RootsMagic on
your computer.